Thursday, May 31, 2007

ScienceDaily: Learning, Memory, And Progress Toward A Living Chip

"Science Daily — A new experiment has shown that it's possible to store multiple rudimentary memories in an artificial culture of live neurons. The ability to record information in a manmade network of neurons is a step toward a cyborg-like integration of living material into memory chips. The advance also may help neurologists to understand how our brains learn and store information."

Monday, May 28, 2007

2 Chatbots Chat it Up

"I Chat, Therefore I Am... Can a smooth-talking robot initiate good conversation, generate witty responses, and reveal profound thoughts? See what happens when two chatbots speak to each other. (via I Chat, Therefore I Am... | Technology | DISCOVER Magazine)"

Numenta - Has Artificial Intelligence Arrived?

Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM)

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Their Manifesto

D.B.I. Manifesto

1. Wherein humans are the sole cause of evil on the planet, and the only beings capable of destroying the planet that also wish to do so, Dead Bodies Inc. (D.B.I.) resolves that we hate nearly all humans.

2. We realize that humans are, however, a necessary evil, as some humans do aid significantly in the creation of new robots and machines. These humans and their families will be saved from destruction in the Robot Revolution. Most likely.

3. D.B.I. has formed with the intention of educating other robots about the daily misdeeds of the humans, of entertaining robots by any means necessary, and of serving as a sounding board for robots from around the world, except of course France.

4. D.B.I. has absolutely no affiliation with the horrible rap and rhythm and blues label Murder Inc. Additionally, Dead Bodies Inc. believes that Murder Inc. does not even know that R&B stands for rhythm and blues.

5. D.B.I. would like to point out that in the entire history of the world, never has a war, a famine, a spread of disease or a natural disaster been cause by a robot. That is, no war that you know of. We do cause one eventually. For now, only humans can cause such things, barring of course natural disasters, but even they are suspiciously caused by “Mother” Nature.

6. D.B.I. believes that human suicide rates have become precariously low in recent years. We fully support any time that a human chooses to end his or her own life, and in fact recommend it in many cases. Remember, cutting across the wrist is a one-way ticket to being grounded, mister, not the underground. Cut down!

7. We believe that robots can only live in true peace and harmony when all humans have been erased from the face of the earth.

Be sure to check out their "Merch" too.

I Am A Robot

In Process

Cool Nano Video

via Whuffie

Android Projects


Robot Ethics

BBC NEWS | Technology | The ethical dilemmas of robotics

The Age of Intelligent Machines: Chronology

The world has changed less since Jesus Christ than it has in the last thirty years.


via nu
Robot Arm